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All Dog Breeds >>Temprament of Papillon

The Papillon (pronounced pappy-yawn -- French for butterfly) is rapidly becoming the preferred companion pet. He has been bred to be just that -- the perfect companion. However, they are tiny, and do not do well with small children. A well-meaning child could fall on a Papillon and seriously injure, or even kill him. Also, the breed comes with a healthy dose of self-esteem and one will protect himself if he feels threatened, mistreated, or harassed.

The same goes for larger dogs: A Papillon will thrive in a home with other Papillons, but larger dogs pose an unnecessary danger and could hurt him. Papillons love cats. These little guys are smart, friendly, happy, alert, elegant, and unbelievably devoted. They will need to be by your side at all times. Do not get a Papillon if you enjoy your personal space. They crave your attention and affection. They do not do well if left alone. Loneliness can result in behavior issues such as digging, chewing, and even self-mutilation.

Papillons are very sensitive to stress. They are also very trainable (with the exception of housetraining) and are currently one of the top five breeds in obedience competition. They are the most popular toy breed in the obedience ring. But they can excel at nearly anything, and are also gifted in agility. They love to play and are naturally curious. They will throw their toys in your face until you consent to play with them and they will open cabinet doors looking for a snack.

They will also find the tiniest hole in your fence in order to go explore, so be sure your fence is secure! They love to play outdoors. Papillons usually act like puppies for their whole lives. They love to cuddle and watch TV, go for walks, go for rides, and anything else you are doing. They also love to bark.

They have a strong instinct to protect their property and many will bark excessively at noises they deem to be suspicious. Their barking is often difficult to control.