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All Dog Breeds >>Neapolitan Mastiff

(Mastino Napoletano, Italian Mastiff, Mastino) The Neapolitan Mastiff is an ancient breed with an impressive physical appearance that denotes power and strength. Their body is stocky, heavily boned, and substantial, and their proportions are rectangular. They have a slightly arched, comparatively short, stocky neck with a voluminous, well-divided dewlap that extends from the lower jaw to the lower neck. The ribs are long and well-sprung and the chest is broad, deep, and muscular. Their back is strong and wide, and the underlining of the abdomen is horizontal. They have a well-muscled loin that blends smoothly into the back. The croup is strong, broad, muscular, and slightly sloped. Tails of this breed are slightly low set, wide at the base, and gradually tapered toward the tip. The forequarters are heavy, muscular, and balanced. Their shoulders are long, powerful, and sloping and their elbows are held parallel to the ribcage. They have straight, thick, strong forelegs that are set well apart, and their pasterns are thick and flattened. The breed's round feet are noticeably large and feature a set of well-arched toes and strong nails. Their hindquarters are powerful, strong, and well in proportion with the forequarters. The thighs are broad and muscular and the stifles are moderately angled and strong. They have heavily-boned legs and long, powerful hocks. The head of the Neapolitan Mastiff is large in comparison to the body. The face is composed of heavy wrinkles and folds, and the pendulous lips blend into the ample dewlap. The skull is broad and flat between the ears, covered with wrinkles, and slightly arched at its frontal part. The stop is well-defined and the brow is well-developed. They have a large nose and deep-set eyes that are amber or brown in color. Their square-shaped muzzle is broad and long, and their teeth close in a scissors bite. The short-haired coat of the Neapolitan Mastiff is dense and of uniform length and smoothness all over the body. Accepted coat colors for this breed include solid coats of gray, black, mahogany, and tawny, as well as some varieties of brindle. White markings may or may not be preset.

Despite the Neapolitan Mastiff's intimidating exterior, it is a peaceful, even-tempered dog that is affectionate towards its family and friends. They are protective of their owners, and they will look and act fearsome if they perceive a threat. They are highly intelligent and somewhat willful. They are calm, quiet, and stable unless they are seriously provoked. They have a tendency to be leery of strangers. Because males of this breed can be much more dominant and aggressive, females generally make better family pets. This breed gets along very well with children. They require a dominant owner that can administer firm training. Children should be taught to show respect for these dogs. The breed should be properly trained and socialized from an early age. They have a propensity to drool.


165 – 200 pounds

General Health

Like many other large dog breeds, the Neapolitan Mastiff is prone to hip dysplasia and growing pains. This breed typically lives for less than 10 years


Like all other European mastiff breeds, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a descendant of the Tibetan Mastiff, the most ancient member of the canine species. The word "mastiff" is derived from the Latin word "missivus", which translates to "massive". There are a number of theories regarding how the mastiff dogs first came to Europe. What is known, however, is that the Neapolitan Mastiff is a direct successor of the Roman Molossus. These dogs have existed in Campania for approximately two thousand years. They were initially bred to serve in war and bloody Roman arena sports. They have earned a reputation as a formidable guard dog. While the breed is still quite rare throughout the United States, it is quite popular in Italy. The Neapolitan Mastiff was officially recognized in 1946.


The short-haired coat of the Neapolitan Mastiff is easy to groom and take care of. Excess hair should be removed with a rubber brush. This breed is an average shedder.

Ideal Environment

The Neapolitan Mastiff is content to live in a small household or apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. They are a comparatively inactive breed indoors, and they are satisfied with a small-sized yard. They need a dry place to sleep, and they need plenty of shade and fresh water in warm weather conditions. Excessive physical activity can hinder bone growth and development of Neapolitan Mastiff puppies. Adults of this breed need a great deal of exercise. They should be taken for long walks twice per day.

Neapolitan Mastiff Training

The Neapolitan Mastiff is harder to train than most other dog breeds. He learns new commands more slowly than the majority of other breeds. You will need to be extra patient when Training him.


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(Mastino Napoletano, Italian Mastiff, Mastino) The Neapolitan Mastiff is an ancient breed with an impressive physical appearance that denotes power and strength. Their body is stocky, heavily boned, and substantial, and their proportions are rectangular. They have a slightly arched, comparatively short, stocky neck with a voluminous, well-divided dewlap that extends from the lower jaw to the lower neck. The ribs are long and well-sprung and the chest is broad, deep, and muscular. Their back is strong and wide, and the underlining of the abdomen is horizontal. They have a well-muscled loin that blends smoothly into the back. The croup is strong, broad, muscular, and slightly sloped. Tails of this breed are slightly low set, wide at the base, and gradually tapered toward the tip. The forequarters are heavy, muscular, and balanced. Their shoulders are long, powerful, and sloping and their elbows are held parallel to the ribcage. They have straight, thick, strong forelegs that are set well apart, and their pasterns are thick and flattened. The breed's round feet are noticeably large and feature a set of well-arched toes and strong nails. Their hindquarters are powerful, strong, and well in proportion with the forequarters. The thighs are broad and muscular and the stifles are moderately angled and strong. They have heavily-boned legs and long, powerful hocks. The head of the Neapolitan Mastiff is large in comparison to the body. The face is composed of heavy wrinkles and folds, and the pendulous lips blend into the ample dewlap. The skull is broad and flat between the ears, covered with wrinkles, and slightly arched at its frontal part. The stop is well-defined and the brow is well-developed. They have a large nose and deep-set eyes that are amber or brown in color. Their square-shaped muzzle is broad and long, and their teeth close in a scissors bite. The short-haired coat of the Neapolitan Mastiff is dense and of uniform length and smoothness all over the body. Accepted coat colors for this breed include solid coats of gray, black, mahogany, and tawny, as well as some varieties of brindle. White markings may or may not be preset.

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